Chicken and Dumplings (2024)

All Recipes Chicken Dinner Main Course

  • February 1, 2019
  • 7.7K
  • by Biz

Chicken and Dumplings (1)

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With these cold temps it’s hard not to think about comfort food. I posted the process of making this dish on my Instagram story yesterday and I had lots of people tell me that it wasn’t the chicken and dumplings they grew up heating. I guess it depends on where you live!

What are chicken and dumplings?

“Southern” dumplings I am told is torn dough that’s placed into the chicken gravy, others said that their chicken and dumplings was more like a chicken noodle soup. All I know was that this was delicious – and that I made the dumplings out of my skinny pizza dough. I know! The magical dough!

Chicken and Dumplings (2)

This could easily be made with rotisserie chicken, or leftover chicken. I had chicken breasts so I poached them for 10 minutes – not quite done, but done enough so that I could shred it. I used a tablespoon of I Can’t Believe Its Not Butter (1 point) to saute the peas and carrots that I defrosted before making the sauce.

If you aren’t using jarred chicken broth – please give it a try. That chicken base cost $3.99 at my local grocery store and makes 56 cups of broth – the box that you buy is only 4 cups for $1.99!

After I sauted the carrots and peas for just a minute or two, I added 1/2 cup of self-rising flour (5 points) and cooked that for a minute, then slowly added the chicken broth. My chicken broth is 5 calories a cup, so I don’t count that sh*t.

Chicken and Dumplings (3)

Add the broth just one cup at a time, until it gets thick again, then add the next cup of broth. The only seasoning I used was Dak’s brand Italian Blast – which had crushed red pepper and tons of flavor. Feel free to use thyme or whatever seasonings you like.

Chicken and Dumplings (4)

Chicken and Dumplings

Yield: 4

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes

Yet another way to use up leftover skinny pizza dough - chicken and dumplings! These portions are huge, filling and oh so comforting.


  • Ingredients
  • 1 pound cooked chicken breast, shredded or chopped
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup self-rising flour (regular flour is fine - just add another point to the whole dish)
  • 1 16 ounce bag frozen peas and carrots, defrosted (it only takes about 20 minutes on the counter)
  • 1 tablespoon I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
  • 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 8 ounces skinny pizza dough
  • 2 teaspoons dried parsley, for garnish
  • 2 teaspoons dried parsley, for garnish


    1. Melt the butter in a large skillet. Add the peas and carrots and cook for 1 minute. Add the flour and coat the veggies in the flour mixture. Slowly add the chicken broth, 1 cup at a time, to the veggie mixture. Once combined and the sauce is thick again, add in the cooked chicken and seasoning.
    2. Bring the stove top up to medium high, wet your hands and you'll be able to pinch off the dough and place on top of the chicken mixture. Top with a lid and cook for 8 minutes. Remove from heat and sprinkle the top of the chicken and dumplings with the dried parsley.


For me one serving of this dish is 5 points. Click this link to see what the points would be on your WW plan.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 4Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 471Total Fat: 10gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 6gCholesterol: 101mgSodium: 1878mgCarbohydrates: 50gFiber: 5gSugar: 7gProtein: 45g

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After incorporating all the broth, I added back the chicken at the end. Then I wet my hands and pulled 8 ounces of skinny pizza dough and pinched off pieces to place on top the chicken mixture. I turned the heat to medium high, then put a lid on the pan, and cooked the dumplings for 8 minutes.

Chicken and Dumplings (5)

How do you make dumplings?

So easy, just place the pizza dough on top of the chicken mixture, put a lid on it. That’s it!

OMG, looks at that puffy goodness! I contemplated putting it under the broiler to get some color, but my pan wouldn’t have gone in the oven (should have used cast iron!), but the dumplings were fully cooked – had a bit of crust on the top, and soft and gooey on the bottom. #swoon

Chicken and Dumplings (6)

I just sprinkled with dried parsley and called it a day.

Chicken and Dumplings (7)

The best part is that when I put all the points together this WHOLE PAN is only 14 points! 1 for the butter, 5 for the flour and 8 for the pizza dough. So 1/4 of the pan (which is the amount in the bowl to the side) is only 3.5 points. Holy balls. (note – see the breakdown of points in the recipe card below since this recipe was made after the last WW change to three plans)

Chicken and Dumplings (8)

This is comfort food at its finest – perfectly cooked chicken, gravy, veggies, and dumplings?! But guess what. When Jacob came home he asked “who is that for?” I told him he was welcome to have it for dinner. After he finished his first bowl and asked for seconds, Hannah said “can I have some?”

What? Hannah eating chicken – mind you, the chicken was shredded pretty fine, but she ate it – the dumplings being her favorite part. I can’t remember the last time we all ate the same meal.

Chicken and Dumplings (9)

This is so easy and perfect for a weeknight dinner – I mean, you do always have skinny pizza dough in the fridge, right?! Plan on making a double batch of dough this weekend, you can thank me later.

Chicken and Dumplings (10)

I had the best two days at home. Spending time in my kitchen, doing cooking stories, answering cooking questions on Instagram. I was living my best life!

And now it’s back to work. To my desk. Where there is no kitchen. But luckily it’s already Friday, so I won’t have to wait too long to get back into my kitchen.

Happy Friday friends – make it a great day!!

weeknight dinner

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I am a widowed 55 year old trying to figure out my life after losing my husband after a long illness.Cooking and being in the kitchen feeds my soul!

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  1. Ada

    October 26, 2020

    You are an inspiration!

    Are you following green plan? Don’t you need to add points for the chicken? My recipe builder comes up with 21-22 points for the whole pan. It’s still low in points for a dinner but am I missing something (kind of new to WW

    Reply ↓

    • Biz

      October 26, 2020

      Hey – I need to fix that – that’s the points for the purple plan – you would be correct with the points on green. I am in the process of putting the points for all my recipes – it’s taking a really long time though – ha!

      Reply ↓

  2. Kristi O

    August 15, 2020

    after Hannah made this delicious dish this week on IG I had to make it. It smells so tasty. I know its over 100 degrees outside but my house smells so cozy! thanks for sharing such a great easy recipe!

    Reply ↓

    • Biz

      August 16, 2020

      Yeah! So glad you liked it!

      Reply ↓

  3. Val

    February 17, 2019

    Hi! I’m so excited to try this for dinner this week after finally making skinny pizza dough! If I were to meal prep this for the week, would you store the dumplings separate from everything else? Thanks!

    Reply ↓

    • Biz

      February 17, 2019

      Yeah! Yep, I would store the dumplings separate – then heat them up right before dinner with the lid on. Let me know what you think!

      Reply ↓

  4. Ellen Alamilla

    February 5, 2019

    I made this tonight – and what a hit it was!!! Both the boys (hubby and son) ate it, commented on how great it was – – and I finished my day today with 4 points left!!!!! THANK YOU, Biz!!! I also made some extra skinny dough so that I could make several english muffins and use them for breakfast! You are the reason WW is working for me again!!!!! <3 Thank you.

    Reply ↓

    • Biz

      February 6, 2019

      That makes me so happy Ellen! I know that chicken and dumplings is such a simple but comforting dinner – love it!

      Reply ↓

  5. Janet Melancon

    February 5, 2019

    This southern girl thinks that this is more like a chicken pot pie than dumplins. I have been playing with your pizza dough and made it about 4 times in the three days since I found your blog. I think the dough would be so good as a crust on my pot pie.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply ↓

    • Biz

      February 6, 2019

      Yeah you are probably right – I had a lot of southern folks tell me that it isn’t a traditional chicken and dumplings, but whatever you call it, it’s tasty!

      Reply ↓

  6. Cee Cee Daley

    February 1, 2019

    Here is the thing about C&D…if you ask 10 people, you will get ten different recipes…it is like a Jewish Brisket or a Cuban’s Black Beans and rice I am sure it is all regional. I grew up in Miami…so our “region” included many regions! I can’t cook worth poo but I am going to attempt these dumplin’s tomorrow. I agree with Kym, I have enjoyed your snowy day antics!! I. hated that you had to go to work today… too….

    Reply ↓

  7. Kym

    February 1, 2019

    Thank you! I’ve truly enjoyed your “snow day” activities. Hannah and Jacob’s commentary on some of your stories cracks me up. I love how your readers/followers post little snippets too. Thanks for all you do. Can’t wait to see the glorious recipes that develop this weekend. Enjoy time with your Mom and don’t forget to wear the new favorite shirt.

    Reply ↓

  8. Elaine

    February 1, 2019

    Hi Biz- the recipe looks delish! I want to print it but can’t get the link to work.

    Reply ↓

  9. Lynne

    February 1, 2019

    Your chicken and dumplings look pretty similar to what I’ve always known, except my mom used to make bigger, fluffy dumplings. I know that in the South they use the torn/cut, flat dough. I’ve had them a few times and they always seem gummy and everything was just too flour-y. Maybe I’ve just had bad versions in the South…but I like our ‘northern’ version 🙂 It sounds like you had wonderful ‘snow’ days! Have a great weekend – enjoy the heat wave!!

    Reply ↓

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Chicken and Dumplings (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

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